Sophie Calle, French artist

CURRENT PROJECT |   Le musée des curiosités de Sophie Calle  (2015)

PARIS and MONTREAL |  Sophie Calle est l’une des artistes conceptuelles les plus en vue de sa génération. Le dénominateur commun de ses oeuvres, dont les médias les plus courants sont la photographie, le film et l’écriture, est qu’elles mettent en scène ce que lui offre la réalité, parfois de façon très intime.

Qu’il s’agisse de traquer de purs inconnus pour découvrir leur quotidien, de devenir femme de chambre pour immortaliser le spectacle d’une chambre d’hôtel dont les occupants sont absents ou de demander à 107 femmes d’interpréter la lettre de rupture envoyée de son ex, la démarche de Sophie Calle n’est jamais banale, jamais narcissique et toujours délicatement subversive.


Sophie Calle is one of the most conceptual artist for her generation. The common denominator of her works — including the most common media are photography, film and writing — is that they depict what gives her the reality, sometimes in a very intimate way.

Whether stalking strangers to find their daily pure, becoming a maid to capture the spectacle of a hotel room whose occupants are absent or asking 107 women to interpret the letter breaking sent his ex, Sophie Calle’s approach is never banal, narcissistic and always gently subversive.

Born in 1953 in Paris, Sophie Calle is a writer, conceptual artist, photographer, filmmaker, even detective-or a little bit of each, according to the characters she assumes, the rituals she devises, the parts of her life she tells and the feelings she shares. Her work may be found in the collections of the Centre Pompidou, Paris; Guggenheim Museum, New York; Tate Gallery, London; Los Angeles County Museum of Art, L.A.; and Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

For more information on Sophie Calle:

SOPHIE CALLE | “Conversation with a Nameless Man” (2013)

A conversation about “self-burial” between artist Sophie Calle and a man without identity. In this video the two artists meet for the first time to discuss an artistic idea which they have discovered that they share: arranging and attending your own funeral.

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